WEPPA In The Community

WEPPA Gives Back

WEPPA’s commitment to serving the community doesn’t just happen in the ER. Our Providers and Staff support our local 501C3 charities financially as well as volunteer at these organizations in support of our Giving Mission:

To give back to the local community with a focus on health, well-being, and growth.

Some of the establishments WEPPA has supported this year include, but are not limited to:

Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina

Provides food for our friends and neighbors facing hunger in 34 counties in Central and Eastern NC.

Granville Health System Foundation

Facilitates and bolsters Granville Health System’s dedication to delivering the highest quality healthcare services to all community members.

Healing Transitions

Offers peer based, recovery-oriented service to homeless, uninsured and underserved individuals with addiction.

InterAct’s Solace Center

Provides expert forensic examination, immediate and long-term support, and is a safety and support center for victims of sexual assault.

Layers of Dignity

Survivors of sexual assault face a long road to healing. Layers of Dignity lets them know they are not alone.

Mariam Clinic

Mariam Clinic’s mission is to promote an integrated approach to health and well-being of uninsured individuals regardless of race, gender, or religion and to build a better society.

NeighborHealth Center

NeighborHealth Center (NHC) is a nonprofit community health center providing care for underserved groups, offering excellent, compassionate, and accessible healthcare.

Poe Center

Poe Center for Health Education.


SAFEchild eliminates abuse by empowering families to create nurturing environments where children thrive.

UNC Foundation

Inspires philanthropic support for UNC Health and UNC School of Medicine that transforms healthcare and provides hope to the people of North Carolina and communities around the world

Urban Ministries of Durham

Connects with the community to end homelessness and fight poverty by offering food, shelter, and a future to neighbors in need.

Urban Ministries of Wake County

The primary point of connection for those who are homeless, hungry or in need.

WakeMed Foundation

The WakeMed Foundation is the philanthropic partner of WakeMed, raising funds to improve the health and well-being of all members of the community.

Wayne Foundation

The Wayne Memorial Hospital Foundation’s mission is to raise funds and awareness for projects and services that provide quality health care close to home at Wayne UNC Health Care for residents of Wayne County and surrounding areas.

NC Diversity & Equity in Emergency Medicine Scholarship

The NC Diversity and Equity in Emergency Medicine Scholarship Fund was created by Wake Emergency Physicians, PA and Mid-Atlantic Emergency Medical Associates out of a desire to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in the medical field, specifically in emergency medicine. Scholarships are awarded to second year MD or DO students or first-year Physician Assistant students who identify as underrepresented minorities and are attending school in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, or Virginia. Applicants should also either be a resident of North Carolina or intend to practice medicine in North Carolina immediately after completion of their degree program.

Our Team In The Community

Check out some photos of our team giving back to the North Carolina community!

“Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege”
John D. Rockefeller Jr